Balance your Hormones Naturally
I offer a number of e-books in my shop if you wish to learn more about hormone balance. I also take on a few 1:1 clients each year where we can dig deeper into the root cause of your hormone imbalance and how to alleviate it:
Offers include:
Online self paced perimenopause course
1:1 nutrition, exercise and lifestyle hormone coaching
Hypnotherapy for habit management
Referral for HTMA (Hair, Tissue, Mineral Analysis) or DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) and results interpretation
Coaching is suitable for anyone who wishes to:
Navigate the changes of perimenopause and menopause
Eradicate painful periods
Boost libido
Manage mood swings
Increase energy
Lose weight
If you wish to arrange a free 15 minute call to discuss your hormone imbalances and possible next steps then follow the link below: